

Monday, June 7, 2010

done list

  1. breakfast
  2. kitchen cleaned
  3. seller of dry calf milk located
  4. recipes found for fattening dog
  5. three loads worth laundry folded and put away
  6. learned how to add videos to blogspot
  7. lunch made and supper planned
  8. grocery shopping
  9. dog supplements and dewormer gotten
  10. dogs given their deworming tablet
  11. bed made
  12. made sure kids chores are done
  13. had kids each pick up and put away 20 things
  14. found recipe for making yogurt.  The vet suggested it for helping to heal the dogs digestive track.  I am going to make it with the calf milk.
  15. Made raw meatloaf for the dog, and have half of it freezing.  The other half will have to wait.
  16. Supper
I think I am done for today!

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