

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No Wasted Trips

Today I realized something for the first time:

I have developed habits over the passed few years that are still with me.

Previously, I have seen little fruit of the habits I have tried desperately to instill in my life. However, today as I was clearing the counter, I realized that every trip up and down the stairs was utilized to it's fullest potential, within reason.

After gathering everything from the counter that belonged outside, I took them out and put them away. On my way back in, I picked up toys that didn't belong outside and put them away -- without being sidetracked from the job at hand.

Returning to the kitchen counter, I realized that I have not always utilized my trips, often walking past things that need to be done, because it wasn't the task at hand. This habit was formed while pregnant and unable to use the stairs more than two times a day without going into labor. It is good to know that I am not the same girl I was in high school!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


"Do what you know and the rest will be easy!"

This is the phrase that rings in my brain every time I feel overwhelmed by the mess around me. I have decided to take it to heart, and get moving.

I have tried many 'programs' to get my house in order, but they always call for something so different from how I live, that I forget to do what I know and after a week or two, find the house more of a mess than ever!

The one thing I have always lacked it accountability. That is the main reason I am writing all of this down. I want accountability! So, you, the Internet world, are going to be my accountability. I will not know whether or not anyone is reading, unless they leave a comment.