

Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekly Challenge: July 19-23, 2010

Deal with 3-10 things that would improve the way your home functions and how you live.

Just do what you know.  Deal with the emotions as they come.

We all know things that would make a difference in the way we feel about our home.  Some of those things are big, like insulating the attic.  Some are small, like getting rid of that appliance your aunt gave you, that you never use, but it takes up gobs of space.

This week, I have several big projects to complete, such as grouting the tile and redesigning my kitchen.  I know, I have had the grouting on my list for three weeks, but baring a catastrophe, it will be done today!  I also want to take care of several other things.  As I look around my house, I see several things that are not too hard to do, but are going to take a bit of emotional stamina.

The projects I am am facing are ones of dealing with things that were once very needed, but whose purpose in my home is no more.  Things like emptying the diaper bag and taking down the crib.  Last week a friend told me to embrace change and view it as a good thing.  I'm taking his advice to heart, knowing that it comes from some of the hardest changes he has ever faced in his life. 

My challenge to you, is to find at least three things you can deal with this week, and why dealing with them is a positive change.  Feel free to leave your list in the comment section, and I will list mine here, as they are complete.

1.  Emptied the Diaper Bag and cleaned it up, so that it can be given away. 
  • My youngest is full potty trained, and we no longer have to be prepared for accidents. 
  • Some new momma will get to use my bag for her little one, as she travels with him/her.
2.  The laundry room is grouted!
  • In three days, it will be ready for things to be put back in place.  That means we get our bathroom back, unless my husband decides we are going to get the drywall taken care of first. 
3.  Designed how I want the kitchen laid out, and began researching surfaces and counters.
  • This may be my only chance to redesign my kitchen.  If the plumber can easily move the sink where I want it, then then there is no reason not to cease this opportunity.

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