

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In and Out

Years ago, I read an organizational book that was aimed at those who worked in offices, to help them tackle the projects that fell outside of thier daily routine.  What it suggested was to date each project that came in with today's date, and place it in an 'In' box.  Then, in free time, work on the top project, doing as much as possible in the time available.  The author also said that any job/project that could be done in 2 minutes or less should never be put in the In box.  Just get it done!

This idea of an In box, and it's counter part, an Out box, really appealed to me, so I began using one for the mail and such.  It was great for all paper things, but it didn't work so well for bigger projects.  This is where I had to get creative, and come up with a way to make it work.  I began using scrap paper, such as the print outs from the fax machine, to write projects on.  One project per piece of paper.   This way, like the box of cards, I never had more than one project to look at at a time.  It worked really well.  Then we moved, and I started a business.  Everything in my life had changed, and any unfinished projects were in boxes, along with my In box.

Recently, I have been working to reorganize all areas of my life, and am seriously considering starting an In box again.  There are so many projects to get done.  When I look around my home and yard, I am overwhelmed.   I think an In box for the projects would really help, because my present method of leaving them out, in site, is not working.  They all look like clutter, and when I work on decluttering, I don't know how to handle them.  They would be useful and lovely, if they were finished. 

What are your thoughts?

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