

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Getting Advice

During the past few weeks it seemed like I was doing the same thing day after day, and not getting ahead.  Sure, more stuff was being thrown out.  Things were being put away on a regular basis, but to me the house did not feel any better.  So, I did the only thing I knew to do:  call for help!

I called a friend of mine who is good at organization and tends to see things very differently than I do, for some advice.  She came over, and brought a lot of stuff with her!  She came to look at the house with feng shui eyes, take readings of the chi and made some drawings.  Pointed out the same problem areas that I have been attempting to deal with and went home.  I figured it was time to keep cleaning, and went back to doing the same old things.

A few days later my friend called with some more advice:  "You've got to re-paint your hallway.  It is the wrong color, and the boys bedrooms need some rearranging.  I've got more information for you, but we will have to look it over later, and I am still waiting for some more answers."

What was she up to?

It took until today, for me to get the full story.  She had taken home the drawings and looked at them more careful, but couldn't make sense of everything.  So, she contacted a friend or two for further advice.  One of them put her in contact with a feng shui master in China.  He was able to give some advice that actually makes sense.  I feel very at peace with the ideas presented, and have begun to make some changes.

The first change was to hang up a curtain by the kitchen counter, where it connects to the dining room.  They all said that it was a problem because the chi from my sink was washing out through the corner in the dining room, and that is why everyone is so prone to cluttering the counter.  I like the affect of the curtain, because it makes my kitchen feel like a room, not just an open space in the center of my house; but then, I like rooms with door -- not open floor plans.

The next change was to move the piano over a bit, so that I do not have a 'stale corner' in the living room.  By moving the piano about 8", I was able to put my Norfolk Pine in that corner of the living room, and now it is safer from all the little people.

To be continued...

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