

Monday, May 17, 2010

Getting Started with a Box of Chores

A Box of Chores is an index box that holds a complete list of chores that you do, with the frequency you want them done. They are easy to arrange to fit your day, and can be designated to others with ease.

To make a chore box, you will need:
  • Colored index cards or white cards and colored pens to write with.
  • Dividers, numbering 1-30 and January-December.
  • A,B,C dividers may also be handy.
  • A recipe/index card box.
Set up cost is less than $10.

Choose a color to represent things you do for you, and then assign a color for daily chores, 2x a week/every other day chores, weekly chores and monthly chores.
  • Write one chore per card, giving as much detail as you like on how to complete the chore.
  • At the top of the card, write down how often to do the chore and how long it takes to complete the chore. --Don't guess! Take the time to time yourself. You may be surprised!
  • Any chore that takes less than 10 minutes, mark as a mini chore.
  • Any chore that is easy enough to do while on the phone, mark with an '!'.
  • Any chore that can/should be designated to someone else in the household, mark with an 'X'. This makes it super simple to had out chores to the children... but that's another topic.
  • At the bottom of the card mark 'Chore Skipped'. This is so you can pencil in the date of days when you have skipped doing that chore for what ever reason. I give myself two blanks, because any more than that is a disaster.

If you are unsure of what chores to list on your cards, keep a list of all the chores you do in the following week, while you are gathering your supplies. Take note of how often you do the job, and how often you would like the job to be done. Decide which color of card it belongs on, and write it down. Remember, things can change, and when they do, simply write a new card and through the old one out!
And remember, your cards need not be boring:

My Cards

Daily Tasks:

  • Make bed -- change pillow cases every other day Feed and water dog
  • Make Breakfast
  • 1st load of laundry -- our room, clothing, bedding, towels.
  • 2nd load of laundry -- kids clothing, bedding, towels.
  • 3rd load of laundry -- diapers, bedding or rags Pack husband's lunch.
  • Fill his water bottles. Sweep and scrub entryway
  • Clean main bathroom.
  • Wash dishes
  • Clear Kitchen counters completely
  • Sweep kitchen and dining room
  • Plan supper and next day's breakfast.Knit -- 15 minutes minimum
  • Make Supper
  • Take all trash out -Garbage pickup is Tuesday!
  • Update Blogs
  • Fold and put away large basket load of laundry
  • (seasonally) Shovel walks
  • (seasonally) Work in garden for 20 minutes

Twice a Week Tasks:

  • Scrub kitchen and dining room
  • Vacuum upstairs
  • Re-tuck slip cover on couch
  • Clean Laundry room
  • Dust up and down stairs rooms
  • Water plants, as needed
  • Clean master bathroom

Weekly Tasks:

  • Check and recharge batteries, as needed.
  • Clean all toilets, showers and sinks with cleanser.
  • Wash windows and mirrors
  • Balance check book
  • Pay bills and update books
  • Dust fans and walls
  • Polish appliances with Fuller wax spray
  • Clean out refrigerator
  • Update grocery list

Once a Month Tasks:

  • Iron clothing
  • Wash walls
  • Vacuum furniture
  • Review sewing and writing goals. Set new ones.

For Me:

  • Bathe &brush teeth
  • Get dressed -- clothes, hair and makeup
  • brush and floss teeth
  • Write for Hubpages, 1-5 articles/ week
  • Rate articles at Helium -- 30/ month

  • A grocery list of the things we always buy, staples, and sale items to look for. Once a week I add in items needed to make specific meals that we want to make.
  • A list of writing goals for that month.
  • A list of sewing goals for that month.
  • List of clothing needed for each person.
  • List of gift ideas for each person.
  • A 'books, movies and music' wish list -- no fail ideas when some one asks, "So what so you want for your birthday?"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Find Hope for a More Organized Home

Are you longing for a cleaner, more organized home? Do you look around for inspiration, and only find chaos? Do you have a terrible time knowing where to begin? I have hope for you!

Did you know that the solution to your problems is within your grasp? No matter where you are. No matter what condition your home is in. The solution to you housekeeping nightmare is at hand! It is inside of you.

How do I know this? I have been there too. I have looked around in complete bewilderment at all that needed to be done and go back to reading my book. I have lost my umph for the day, upon seeing a pile of laundry that I thought would never be done. Even unmade beds have made me cringe. Just the thought of how long it would take to make them was enough to make me shudder. Let alone thinking about how long it had been since they were laundered...
While struggling as to get my act together, I tried my mom’s list method. Writing and rewriting it, so that everything was prioritized and given a time limit. It never got done! Then I asked an organized friend for advice. She said that she like to completely clean one room every day, walls and all. I tried, but spent so much time cleaning one room, there was not time to cook supper. Finally, I asked my husband what he suggested. He looked at me a bit strangely, and replied, “Just do what you know.”

Panic swept over me, as I wondered, 'What do I know?' Then, 'What would he do?' That was the magic question: I suddenly knew where to start!

I washed all the dishes, and put them away. Then the counters and stove got a good cleaning. Loads of laundry were washed, dried and put away, floors were swept.

All along, the answer had been within. I did know what to do, and furthermore, so do you!

Don’t sit there and over think it. Just begin with the one chore that you most want to see done. As you are working, think about how often it needs to be done. Make a point to repeat that particular chore as often as needed. If you have trouble remembering what to do, write it on a 3x5 card, and make yourself a rotating list. Be sure to include how long it actually takes to do the chore on the card. You will find much confidence in this, as most jobs will take much less time than you suppose them to!

When you have finished the first task, move on to the next. Then grab a load of laundry, as it always needs to be done, and throw it in the machine. In about an hour it will be ready to go into the dryer, and you will be able to start another load. Even if your time is limited, or your stamina is shot, it is worth getting started. You may not be able to get everything done, your house may not be immaculate, but you will have solved the problem of how to clean and organize. Plus, a glance at your cards will show you all that you do know.